Some of my thoughts on personal experiences.

Probably about bioengineering or materials engineering, startups, life at the University of Pennsylvania, and random shower thoughts.

A month at UPenn - what happened, and what's next.

Personal Update


It's been a month since my start at the University of Pennsylvania. Here's what happened, and what I plan to do next. PS, if you're applying to UPenn, this might be very helpful.

Flying to SF for Buildspace - here's what I learned.

Personal Update


Flew to SF for a Buildspace event, a first time experience for me. Here's why people told me I was crazy, and why that predicts my success in startups.

When building a product, find your why.

Shower Thoughts


Focus on the why, not the how or what. Great leaders and founders inspire action by their why, and you can too.

To be more productive, do nothing.

Shower Thoughts

Most productivity books emphasize 'efficient productivity.' But what if we're thinking about productivity all wrong? What if the key to being more productive is to do nothing?